Review: New and Redeveloping ports framework
Review: New & Redeveloping International Ports Framework
As announced in the Aviation White Paper, the Department of Infrastructure, Transport, Regional Development, Communications and the Arts (the Department) is leading a review of the New and Redeveloping International Ports Framework. The Framework has been in place since 2018 and covers the provision of border services at new and redeveloping international air and sea ports.
This Review will assist the Government to determine appropriate future arrangements for whole-of-Government consideration of new and redeveloping ports whilst maintaining customs, immigration and biosecurity standards.
As a valued stakeholder, RDAs are invited to provide input on how the Framework and the decision making process can be improved. Responses could include:
whether the framework remains fit for purpose for the breadth and complexity of contemporary port development and redevelopment projects, including evaluation of thresholds for framework consideration;
whether the assessment criteria and decision-making process continue to reflect Australia’s current and emerging national interests;
evaluation of the costs of mitigating risks to Australia’s border security and biosecurity at new and redeveloping international ports to ensure they are appropriately considered in decision-making;
the roles of government agencies, and industry;
designating a clearly identified (and where appropriate, single) point of contact within the Australian Government to discuss issues and challenges with port developments as they arise;
the interaction between the framework and other regulatory decision making by the Australian Government, such as designation or determination of international ports, or Airports Act 1996 requirements;
how processes can be strengthened to better support consideration of border agencies’ resourcing, including engagement with port operators to deliver approved projects to required standards;
the existing number of international ports across Australia, current trends, and anticipated future transit and supply chain requirements;
risks and opportunities of establishing further international ports; and
any other issues.
The Terms of Reference are attached / here which provides details on the scope, background and timeframes for the review.
Please submit your comments by Sunday 9 February 2025, to If you are an association representative of multiple members, we would be grateful if you could please submit a consolidated response on their behalf.
If you have questions, please contact / (02) 6136 8599.